To keep you from having to pay off a remaining loan balance after you’ve experienced a total vehicle loss. To offset the high out-of-pocket expenses of maintaining your vehicle. To protect your vehicle from theft. And beyond.
Wise F&I products are sold through automotive dealers and lenders, and are designed to manage specific risk factors and mitigate the potential for loss or unexpected expense with a variety of coverages.
We know all the variables and challenges of purchasing, owning, and maintaining a vehicle. Accidents, theft, and vehicle maintenance are an ever-present reality. And with an asset that has such tremendous importance to individuals and families, there’s good reason to plan ahead. That’s why we’ve made it our mission to make sure you’re ready for anything.
File a Claim
We have a strong team of experienced, licensed claim specialists ready to provide professional, knowledgable service. If you need to file a claim, review your contract for additional claims submission information. If you don’t have your contract, email us for additional assistance.
Cancel a Contract
Contact the automotive dealer where you purchased your vehicle to begin the process of cancelling your contract.